Labels > Ace Records

Femme Fatale - Hadda BrooksSound ClipsCDAce Records CDCHM 1129
Jimmy's Happy/Jimmy's Blue - Jimmy ClantonSound Clips2-LPAce Records DLP 100
Since I Fell For You - Lenny Welch
A Taste of Honey - The Complete Cadence Recordings 1959-1964 - Lenny Welch
Sound Clips2007-06-25CDAce Records UK
Manhattan Serenade - Trudy RichardsSound Clips1990CDBeekman Place Records BPR 1001
Joazef, Master Dreamer - Frisian CastSound Clips2-LPFace Records FR 338801
Love Is A Drag - Gene Howard1962LPLace Records Mono One
South Pacific - Don Raleigh and His OrchestraSound ClipsLPPalace Records PST 607
Oklahoma! and The Merry Widow
Oklahoma! - Don Raleigh and his Orchestra
LPPalace Records PST 659