Gilbert & Sullivan and Danny Kaye > Danny Kaye

Recording Details

Audio / Vocal Recording
Arthur Sullivan (100)
W. S. Gilbert (63)
Johnny Green (112), Victor Young (165)
Danny Kaye (92)

Releases (2)

Avid AMSC 799
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Also Contains
Martyn Green's Gilbert & Sullivan - 1953 Martyn Green
The Sorcerer - 1953 Studio Cast
# Tracks
7 collectors / 2 wish lists
Disc: 1
1. The Sorcerer: Overture
2. The Sorcerer, Act One: Ring forth, ye bells
3. The Sorcerer, Act One: Constance, my daughter, why this strange depression?
4. The Sorcerer, Act One: Oh, mother, do not ask!
5. The Sorcerer, Act One: When he is here
6. The Sorcerer, Act One: The air is charged with amatory numbers
7. The Sorcerer, Act One: Time was when love and I were well aquainted
8. The Sorcerer, Act One: Sir Marmaduke - My dear young friend, Alexis
9. The Sorcerer, Act One: (Minuet)
10. The Sorcerer, Act One: With heart and with voice
11. The Sorcerer, Act One: My kindly friends, I thank you for this greeting
12. The Sorcerer, Act One: Oh, happy young heart!
13. The Sorcerer, Act One: My child, I join in these congratulations
14. The Sorcerer, Act One: With heart and with voice
15. The Sorcerer, Act One: Welcome joy, adieu to sadness!
16. The Sorcerer, Act One: All is prepared for sealing and for signing
17. The Sorcerer, Act One: With heart and with voice
18. The Sorcerer, Act One: Love feeds on many kinds of food, I know
19. The Sorcerer, Act One: My name is John Wellington Wells
20. The Sorcerer, Act One: Sprites of earth and air
21. The Sorcerer, Act One: Now shrivelled hags, with poison bags
22. The Sorcerer, Act One: Now to the banquet we press
23. The Sorcerer, Act One: Be happy all - the feast is spread before ye
24. The Sorcerer, Act One: Eat, drink and be gay
25. The Sorcerer, Act One: Oh love, true love, look down on our sadness
26. The Sorcerer, Act One: Oh marvellous illusion
27. The Sorcerer, Act Two: Introduction
28. The Sorcerer, Act Two: 'Tis twelve, I think
29. The Sorcerer, Act Two: Oi, where be oi, and what be oi a-doin?
30. The Sorcerer, Act Two: Dear friends, take pity on my lot
31. The Sorcerer, Act Two: Oh joy! Oh joy!
32. The Sorcerer, Act Two: Thou hast the power thy vaunted love to sanctify
33. The Sorcerer, Act Two: I rejoice that it's decided
34. The Sorcerer, Act Two: Oh, I have wrought much evil with my spells!
35. The Sorcerer, Act Two: Hate me! I drop my Hs - have through life!
36. The Sorcerer, Act Two: At what I'm going to say be not enraged
37. The Sorcerer, Act Two: Oh agony, rage, despair!
38. The Sorcerer, Act Two: Alexis, doubt me not, my loved one!
39. The Sorcerer, Act Two: The fearful deed is done
Disc: 2
1. The Sorcerer, Act Two: Oh my voice is sad and low
2. The Sorcerer, Act Two: Oh, joyous boon! Oh, mad delight!
3. The Sorcerer, Act Two: Alas! That lovers thus should meet
4. The Sorcerer, Act Two: Prepare for sad surprises
5. The Sorcerer, Act Two: Or he or I must die!
6. The Sorcerer, Act Two: So be it! I submit! My fate is sealed
7. The Sorcerer, Act Two: Oh, my adored one!
8. The Sorcerer, Act Two: Now to the banquet we press
9. Martyn Green: I am the very model of a modern Major-General
10. Martyn Green: When I was a lad I served a term
11. Martyn Green: I've jive and joke
12. Martyn Green: The flowers that bloom in the Spring
13. Martyn Green: There is beauty in the bellow of the blast
14. Martyn Green: As some day it may happen
15. Martyn Green: On a tree by a river a little tom-tit (Willow, Tit-Willow)
16. Martyn Green: If you give me your attention
17. Martyn Green: Whene'er I spoke
18. Martyn Green: I have a song to sing, O!
19. Martyn Green: Am I alone and unobserved?...If you're anxious for to shine
20. Martyn Green: When I went to the bar as a very young man
21. Martyn Green: The law is the true embodiment
22. Martyn Green: When I, good friends, was called to the bar (The Judge's Song)
23. Martyn Green: Oh! a private buffoon is a light-hearted loon
24. Martyn Green: Love, unrequited, robs me of my rest...When you're lying awake with a dismal headache(The Nightmare Song)
25. Danny Kaye: In enterprise of martial kind (The Duke of Plaza-Toro)
26. Danny Kaye: When a felon's not engaged in his employment (The Policeman's Song)
27. Danny Kaye: When first my old, old love I knew
28. Danny Kaye: The sun, whose rays are all ablaze (The moon and I)
29. Danny Kaye: My name is John Wellington Wells
30. Danny Kaye: When I was a lad I served a term
31. Danny Kaye: When you're lying awake with a dismal headache (The Nightmare Song)
32. Danny Kaye: If you're anxious for to shine
33. Danny Kaye: When I, good friends, was called to the bar (The Judge's Song)
Decca DL 5094
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The set was issued on 78rpm discs, 45rpm discs and LP. The last two numbers with Victor Young as Conductor were not included on the 78's and were apparently added later, to take advantage of the additional capacity of the new media.
# Tracks
15 collectors / 0 wish lists
01 The Judge's song
02 When first my old, old love I knew
03 In enterprise of martial kind
04 The Policeman's song
05 If you're anxious for to shine
06 The Nightmare Song
07 The moon and I
08 My name is John Wellington Wells (conducted by Victor Young)
09 When I was a lad (conducted by Victor Young)

Statistics & Lists

  • Contributors to database: Mtaz, AndyW More
  • Added to Database: 2008-05-28

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